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Alliyah, born in 2002, is a high school student at UOS. She's known for her quick wit and love of arguing - she could 1v1 anyone in a debate. Alliyah stands at 162 cm tall and is set to graduate in the year 2024.

In addition to her sharp mind, she has a unique sense of humor and once got scared enough to pee her pants in the snow. When not engaging in lively debates or dealing with sleepover mishaps (like kicking out a friend who turned out to be her dog), Alliyah takes pride in her colorful rock collection. She also holds the record for texting her therapist the most over the past year.

Despite being wary of dates, she does have one person she finds undeniably attractive - her mom.
sparklesalliyah’s green flagssparkles

green flag
green flag
green flag
Alliyah's quick wit and sharp debating skills make her a formidable opponent in any argument, proving her resilience and confidence. Her ability to find humor even in embarrassing moments, like peeing her pants in the snow, shows that she doesn't take herself too seriously and can laugh at life's mishaps. Alliyah’s deep admiration for her mum demonstrates her capacity for genuine love and appreciation of the people closest to her.

She takes pride in simple joys, such as collecting colorful rocks, revealing a unique and unpretentious outlook on life. Despite not being much of a dater or social butterfly, she values mental health support by frequently texting her therapist for guidance and understanding.
sparklesalliyah’s red flagssparkles

green flag
green flag
green flag
Lack of empathy
Alliyah seems to have a knack for arguing, which could mean that she might be confrontational and unyielding in personal relationships. She also shared a story about peeing her pants in the snow, which could suggest a lack of control or impulsivity when feeling scared or vulnerable. Additionally, kicking someone out of her sleepover for an accident and then finding out it was her dog may indicate a lack of empathy or understanding in certain situations.

The fact that she texts her therapist the most could suggest underlying emotional struggles that may impact her ability to maintain healthy connections with others. These qualities might make it challenging to navigate conflicts and establish trust with Alliyah in a relationship.
sparklesalliyah’s personal lifesparkles

Alliyah's personal life is a blend of quirky humor and unapologetic honesty. She exudes an independent spirit, evident in her unwillingness to conform to dating norms and her unabashed pride in her rock collection. Her best friend seems to be her therapist, indicating a strong reliance on professional support for navigating life's challenges.

Alliyah's wit shines through as she recalls the time she mistook her dog for someone who peed in her bed during a sleepover - a testament to both the ridiculousness of the situation and Alliyah's ability to find humor in it. It also appears that family holds great importance for her; she cheekily claims that "the hottest human" she has ever seen in person is her mom. This hints at a close-knit relationship with family members, particularly with her mother.

Overall, Alliyah seems like the kind of person who confidently embraces their quirks and finds joy in life's unique moments while valuing those closest to them.
ask me anything

  • ....
    who have you texted the most in the last year?
    profile picture
    my therapist
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    the weirdest you've gotten at a sleepover?
    profile picture
    kicked a girl out for peeing my bed but it turned out to be my dog
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    biggest red flag on a date?
    profile picture
    i don’t know i don’t go
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    one thing you're most proud of?
    profile picture
    my colourful rock collection
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    who's the hottest human you've ever seen in person?
    profile picture
    my mum
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    the most scared you've ever been?
    profile picture
    when i peed my pants in the snow
  • ....
    what sport could you 1v1 anyone in?
    profile picture
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